Leveraging the Power of Technology to Build a Brand with Mike Whaling We had the opportunity to talk with Kevin Bupp at Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow podcast about leveraging the power of technology to build a brand for both your personal business and your real...
Deep Dive Into Digital Marketing with Special Guest: Mike Whaling We sat down with Peter Lohmann and Russell Lowery at The Owner Occupied podcast to discuss all things digital marketing. We get into successfully marketing a property, the use of social media, the...
Our team at 30 Lines has been rounding the bases on Facebook’s latest updates, and we would like to share with you the game plan we recommend for your business to adapt.
As you’ve probably heard, Facebook will get rid of like-gating on November 5. For years, brands have used like-gating to prompt Facebook users who haven’t already “liked” their page to do so before they can see content, redeem a coupon, or enter a contest. Like-gating...
How do I leave a comment on my brand’s Facebook Page as myself, not as the Page? I’ve been getting this question a bit more often lately, so I figured it might be easiest just to share it here. First, being able to switch how you use Facebook is a handy...
See that “thumbs up” button at the top of this post? It’s a big threat to Google’s search business, and a lot of people in the online marketing community have been waiting for Google to respond. Well, Google stepped further into more...