Sometimes you just need to bounce a quick question off of someone, or talk through an idea to see if it makes sense. We understand. We do the same thing here all the time.
At 30 Lines, we’re all about helping you get more out of your online presence. We want to be available the next time you have an online marketing question. Which is why we’re introducing 30 Lines Office Hangouts.
What’s an Office Hangout? It’s our version of office hours (yep, just like in school), only we host them on Google+. Book a time for us to talk, and let us know how we can help.
Schedule an Office Hangout Now
(You need a Google account to login to the calendar.
We won’t see any of your account information.)
For up to 30 minutes, we’ll answer your questions, field your ideas and make suggestions about ways to improve your website, your social media efforts, your email marketing or whatever else is on your mind. Ask us anything — you’ll get a straight answer, a few suggestions about your next action steps and as much encouragement as we can jam into a brief meeting on Google+. All free.
A few technical requirements for the best Hangout experience:
- Have an active Google+ account
- Add 30 Lines to one of your circles (You may be able to do it straight from the sidebar on this page. ===>)
- Have a working webcam and microphone
- Fix your hair and wipe the cream cheese off your lip
For now, Office Hangouts are available to anyone on Fridays from 9–11 AM Eastern. If you’d prefer another time, just let us know.
Think You Need More Help?
If you think you need a little more help, let’s talk about your business goals and how 30 Lines can help you build your online presence.
And if we can’t answer your question, we’ll refer you to someone who can. What do you have to lose?