Please list the apartment community amenities you want 30 Lines to promote (i.e. Pet Friendly, Fitness Centers, Swimming Pools, Garage/Covered Parking, Media Lounge, Coffee Bar, Community Room/Clubhouse, Business Center).
Please list the apartment community amenities you want 30 Lines to promote (i.e. Pet Friendly, Fitness Centers, Swimming Pools, Garage/Covered Parking, Media Lounge, Coffee Bar, Community Room/Clubhouse, Business Center).
Please list the apartment interior features and amenities you want 30 Lines to promote (i.e. Hardwood Floors, Stainless Steel Appliances, Washers/Dryers, Smart Apartment Features, Furnished Options, Private Patios/Balconies, Brushed Nickel Fixtures/Hardware).
i.e. studios, one bedroom, two bedrooms, three bedrooms, penthouse apartments.
How do people talk about the neighborhood(s)? Are there unique terms or references locals use for the neighborhood(s) and surrounding area(s)? We're looking for local references that resonate with the people in your market(s) that may not be immediately obvious to the 30 Lines Team.
Are there notable restaurants, shops, landmarks, institutions, etc. nearby that your prospects and residents might want to learn more about?
What are the nearby schools and school districts?
Provide current sales, incentives or special offers you want 30 Lines to highlight in your PPC Ad Campaigns.
Who are your primary competitors? This will help our team competitively bid on your local market to keep your Brand in front of the most targeted audience.
i.e. "Sign Up Today for Special Offers." " Get our special offers delivered to your inbox." "One month free rent through 11/30/18."