Anatomy of a Landing Page
If you want prospects to take action when they visit your website, you’ve got to stop sending them to your homepage. Instead, send them directly to landing pages that answer their questions.
With a little work on the back end, you can make those landing pages more likely to show up in search– and optimizing them is easier than you might think.
Have a look at this landing page created in Entrata:
The search term is student housing near ku
To convince search engines that a site is indeed an authority on student housing near ku, the corresponding landing page should have that search term in every field:
- Page Name
- Page Title
- SEO Uri (URL)
- Key Words
- Description
And that search term should also appear at least once in the copy on the actual page; the closer to the top, the better.
An easy way to do that is to use the search term in a subtitle:
If possible, use the search term in the first sentence on the page, and remember to link the term to your homepage.
Having your homepage linked to the search term helps tell search engines that your property or company is a relevant source for information on that topic.
Got a WordPress site?
No problem! You’re basically working with the same fields.
Take a look at this landing page created in WordPress:
The search term is clinton township apartments
The fields you need to complete with the search term:
- Page Name
- Permalink
- Snippet Editor (the page title and the meta description)
- Focus Keyword
The rules about using the search term in the page copy and linking it to your homepage apply in WordPress as well.
Further, a text-only landing page isn’t very appealing to readers, and should be avoided at all costs. Feature at least one image per landing page and include the search term in its alt text.

The Bottom Line
Landing pages give prospects information specific to their interests, creating a richer consumer experience that’s more likely to make them convert.
Take the time to complete just a few fields in Entrata or WordPress, and you can make your landing pages more likely to appear in prospects’ search results.