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Insights and tips to help you build a better online presence

October: Start of Q4 … and Crunch Time for Leasing

October 1 marks the start of Q4 – time to finish the year strong. For most multifamily marketers, that window of opportunity is compressed even further as the busy season winds down.You likely have another 2-4 weeks to make things happen before traffic falls off over...

The Best Date to Launch Your New Apartment Websites

November 19. (At least, that's the day for 2024.) No, it's not election day or Thanksgiving or Black Friday.But if you're a multifamily marketer looking to launch new apartment websites for 2025, this is just about the ideal date to launch a new site for "traditional"...

Multifamily needs its “Got Milk?” moment

As leaders gather together to advocate for the multifamily industry, it’s never been more clear that rental housing desperately needs its “Got Milk?” moment. 30 years ago, facing declining sales and market share, California’s dairy farmers commissioned the first...

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