[FREE TEMPLATE] Guided Apartment Tour Follow-Up Email
When a prospect takes the time and effort to come visit your community (especially in today’s environment), you can be sure that they’re pretty interested in renting.
No doubt, your leasing team already does an amazing job to deliver a guided tour of the apartment and everything your property has to offer. But you’re not done. When that prospect walks out the door, it’s your job to keep that momentum going and help your prospect make the decision to lease with you.
Timely, relevant follow-up is fundamental to keep that prospect’s momentum going in the right direction.
But when your day is full running a property – posting rent, handling collections, touring apartments, scheduling turns, accepting packages, and communicating with residents – it’s not always easy to get the right follow-up out as fast as you’d like.
That’s where this personalized follow-up template can help.
First, let’s dig into the timing, the intended purpose, and the impact we want this communication to deliver.
When to send it:
- Immediately after a prospect finishes an apartment tour guided by someone on the on-site team. If you can’t automate this from your marketing systems, aim to send this 1-2 hours after the prospect completes their tour.
What it does:
- Shows the customer you’re attentive and responsive to their needs
- Encourages the next step toward the lease/application
- Shows gratitude to a potential new customer
- Collects feedback about how your leasing team is performing
What is it that we want the customer to do? These are some potential actions you want your customer to take after a tour:
- Start their lease application
- Ask questions about the tour or the unit they saw
- Leave you a great review about their experience
- Schedule a follow-up tour
What impact does this create?
- Moves prospects from tour to lease faster
- Helps you understand who the “hot” prospects are who are most interested in your community
- Increases positive reviews for your community
Let’s get to the template, shall we?
This template is available now for 30 Lines clients using our online Appointment Scheduler, and it may also be available for Smart Follow-Ups customers, as well (depending on the data we receive from your CRM/lead management system). Let us know if you’d like to have this email follow-up enabled for your properties.
Email is the #1 digital marketing channel in terms of ROI for every single 30 Lines client who invests in it. Want more ideas and examples of ways to use email marketing for your properties? Here are a few to get you started.