The Emails You Should Be Sending: Follow-Up & Autoresponders
The Emails You Should Be Sending: Follow-Up & Autoresponders When a prospect first reaches out to a property they often don’t include all the details you need to narrow down the best options for them. The quick fix is to immediately follow-up and ask for more...Emails You Should Be Sending- Welcome Series
Blog At 30 Lines, we love email marketing and call ourselves email geeks. For every $1 in email marketing campaigns you invest, you will see a $42 return on investment, according to recent studies. For the multifamily industry, this ROI can be even greater. When a...
Using Emojis to Stand Out in Your Customer’s Email Inbox = 

Learn how to increase email open and conversion rates by adding emojis into the subject lines of your email marketing campaigns.

4 Easy Ways To Grow Your Email List
With 42% of businesses saying email marketing is one of their most effective lead generation tools, it’s clear that email, when used properly, can be the ultimate secret weapon when it comes to your digital marketing efforts.

The Nature of Nurture: How Lead Nurturing Emails Enhance Your Apartment Marketing
During their search, apartment hunters consider several factors, and giving them the information they want when they want it —via lead nurturing— is critical to turn leads into leases.